Monday, October 31, 2005

In preparation of Halloween...

My options were :
(2)Courtesan (a.k.a whore)
(3)Mob Queen

I went to the costume shop, searching for choice(1), the fortyish sales lady nodded vigourously and showed me an NPCC uniform. I blanched. I was even willing to settle for a French Maid costume, but the the low cut bustier rack would be a tad too airy, because of my failure to fill it up.

First line of attack were your party costume stores, after spending a day scouring them - I gave up. Then on to my second line of attack, online adult lifestyle stores, most which were situated overseas. The corsets looked simply divine, especially with the enhancements C-cup bombshells. It was glaringly obvious that I wouldn't fill the pockets, as splendidly as they did, still I pushed that unfriendly thought to the back of my head.I was still willing to ship a corset set ( notice that the quest for a costume had become more like bedroom lingerie shopping trip, if I was going to spend money, I should be able to use them again right? ) but 2 weeks of shipping time weren't enough.

So I turned to the local fetish shops. Overpriced,lousy variety, musty due to unmovable stock - I felt I stepped into an 80s time warp porn show. Mullets, bad hair, platinum blond chicks with scarlett lips and black roots on the head and in the nether regions, except for appropriately placed stickers were placed to cover their genitalia and save their modesty.

Also, I suddenly realized that my cashflow wasn't exactly like last Christmas'Tsunami. I visited Tang's lingerie boudoir dressing room, and was absolutely charmed by a pink and black corset set - until I laid my eyes on the price tag. Believe me, it took a considerable amount of control not to react distastefully. I flung it away in contempt, ala Ally Mcbeal style.

Then I realized that I had a perfectly nice lingerie pinstripe lacey camisole set at home - yes, it was a devastating blow to my ambitions of donning a corset. All I had to get now were a garter belt and lacey stockings. Fish nets are too walking-the-street-corner for me.

Which I did, at a perfectly decent lingerie store.

Before this, I was thinking I'd should do Masculine in Mob, in a singlet,suspenders,pinstripe pants ( Which I have), toy tommy gun and a federro hat. And cigar for good measure. Which I'd probably be more comfortable in - then I wouldn't have cabbies leering at me. Cost wise it ranked second, but I decided to be prudent and leave that for next year.

ALERT: Girls, La Senza's has very reasonable and affordable lingerie.

Though for the stockings, I had to get it from a fetish store. I felt bad about going back to the store, because I never bought anything the last time. The sales girls obviously remembered me - but the pressing and thoroughly urgent need to complete my costume, banished all thought of embarrassment.

Last part to be completed. Satin gloves that my friends are supposed to pick up for me at traditional costume store - like, right about now :)


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Its a Miniscule World.

I've sorta done the online personals before - though I've only actually managed to get really invovlved romantically once.

Its a great way to meet people of all spectrums, you do manage to at least tailor them to fit the traits that make you quiver,yes, I admit I exagerate. Well, in truth at least you can tell that they are of relative intelligence.

Disclaimer : Not an ass-swipe filter.

Its just getting really scary, because I was talking to one of the guys I went out with for a while today, and I asked if he had any links to anyone working in a certain bank.

( Its just me being a lil' resourceful.I attended a career talk by a certain investment bank, that got me really excited. I cornered, the recruiter at the refreshment session later on. I felt I was being a little pushy - I felt a sense of nauseous abhorrence overwhelm me for a bit, because I was playing out the exact caricature of what I NEVER wanted to come across as. After talking to me initially, I got a bit too pushy, dismissed me but not before giving a pointer not to email her my CV, but to use my own resourcefulness.)

This guy I used to go out with, then sent me the Friendster link over MSN re, his friend who was working in this particular bank. I was like HOLY SHIT, this guy had messaged me before, but somehow I never responded. He was hot, in a mature way I guess.

Of course I never mentioned anything to the guy I went out with.

The same guy, I unwittingly hooked up with his Mother's best friend's creep of a son. Rebound - hardly lasted two months.

Funny thing is that, this guy I went out with - I've never truly gotten over him. If he ever hooked up with any of my aquaintances. I would feel so physically sick, I'm postively sure, I would feel faint and vomit.

The world's way too small.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

Fuck all the bad group mates in the world.

I decidedly fucking pissed off.

Functioning on one and a half hours of sleep - and on time on for my meeting. Some group members are leisurely late. And they were complaining about not having enough time? That's fucking bs.


If they're not here by 1100, I'm out - I don't give a fuck.

Just got another email for another of another procrastinating bum of a group mate. WHO NEVER FUCKING MEETS DEADLINES. Its not the fucking first time. Just because she had a quiz she can't get her work done? I don't think its FUCKING FAIR. I had a quiz this morning, I fucking stayed up last night to get my work. And Slept one and a half hours.

I've tried to be goddamn understanding.

I hope you all fucking rot in hell.

Edit: I wasn't being entirely fair. Lack of sleep does turn you into a demon, doesn't it? Not all group mates are bad. And one I viciously bashed, she's sorta redeemed herself by coming up with at least some sorta substantial work.

I must, I must, I must control my temper


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wanted: Single Girlfriends

I lie in bed on a Saturday afternoon wondering where the previous night went to - Saturday night will go to waste as well.

No offence to all my attached girls - they're lovely all the same. Sometimes when they launch into discussion about their boys and all, I can't help but feel I'm missing out on something.

Spontaneous Clubbing nights are now definitely a no go.Plans have to be made way in advance,if anything is going to materialize at all. Its relatively easy to meet individuals that could be dateable, but to individuals and actually become friends, now that's not an easy thing.

Also, most times after meeting up with them - there's a certain degree of pressure throughout, knowing that after they'd be going to meet their boyfriend that has been lurking around. Undercurrents that kinda say, "Chop,chop!The world doesn't run on your time, darling?"

At least 80% of my girl friends are conjoined at the hip with their significant others. The rest of the 20% aren't into the whole clubbing bit or then to have a wider conservative streak than I do.

Well, a higher proportion of my guy friends tend to be unattached- things is you can't do girly things with guys. I mean like, wheres the fun if I go to bars packed with attractive individuals with 3 or 4 body guards?

They've got online dating websites for single people looking to find their mate.

I need a online website to find smart, sassy, fun-loving, sincere and open-minded ladies to hang out with. Do all the nice dinners/bars/check-out beautiful people for sheer fun without having to worry about repucussions from jealous boyfriends or jabbing consciences?

Of course, attached girl friends that ACT single will also be purrrfectly welcomed.

Know anyone that fits the above description? Please get in touch with me, my gratitude will be eternal. As deep as Pammy's cleavage, I swear.
