Friday, April 27, 2007

Little Nuggets

Nugget #1:

I realized my initial attempt at avoiding all kinds of street food has come to naught. Always thought it was great that I have breakfast prepared for me at the guest house in the mornings. You know, having covered most of not all grounds of exposing myself to potentially tummy churning foods. Till I found out the pho-like noodle soup that I have some mornings, was actually bought from the old lady vendor at squats near the pavement outside the alley that leads to the guest house :O

Good thing news - I have a fairly resilient belly then. Not about to think I'm all invincible, I still skipped all the raw oysters and other kinds of seafood. Last night one of the dishes they ordered was frog's legs - nothing wrong, given that frog leg porridge is a commom dish back home in Singapore. And that white, skinless frog legs are available at NTUC. Somehow my brain never made the translation where frogs had green skin in the Frog and the Princess story books and the white skinned-frogs in my porridge. So imagine my surprise, when I see 3 frogs in their full mossy greenish glory, engraved with the dark lines from the grill on the plate. :


Zebra crossings on the streets are mere decorations, as properly enlightened by a friend yesterday. One way you could tell a local from a foreigner assuming both are asian, is the way they cross the road.

Nugget #3:

You know the surgical face masks people took to wearing in the 2003 SARS crisis in Singapore - they make and wear cloth versions here, with floral motiffs and the like. Well, they're known as Ninja's here.

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